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To carry a positive action we must develop a positive vision.

Maatram strongly believes that the differences and inequalities around us can be changed not by fighting over them but by building newer channels to build over them.

The Team

Sujith Kumar

Founder & Managing Trustee

I always wondered how certain individuals who encounter life changing moments through specific incidents in their lives…

Executive Trustees

Punitha anthony

I strongly believe in this quote “When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream”. Maatram is one such dream that is inspiring me to be the change and make the change…


A passionate educationist who champions the cause of education for every child, for that is the single biggest change catalyst towards a reformed society…


An ardent believer that education is at the core to an individual and a society to move forward…


This gives me an opportunity to do something good which brings happiness to talented yet less fortunate people and gives them the strength and courage to pursue their dream. I am immensely happy to be a part of this change management group…

Core Team



Every individual deep down has a social side – a responsibility he owes back to society, a guilt feel that he has not done much…

Sindhu Sujith

 Believe in the Power of Education and it can make a world of difference to the children who get access to it. I am here to help create this opportunity to as many deserving kids as possible specially to girl children. I have seen their lives change for the better and nothing comes close to the kind of satisfaction I get from this work. Extremely happy about my association with Maatram


Country Manager

I am a native of the southern city of Chennai and graduated from BITS, Pilani. I have been playing various leadership roles in the IT industry…

Vinu Viswanathan

 I firmly believe that the collective goodness of the Maatram team and kids is helping me become a better person.


Political Activist

I am an independent, free-willed individual who believes that it only takes a smile and a little effort to make anything possible

Saravana Manikandan S


Human being’ and ‘Being human’ or two completely different things. I have always got a strong feel that being human is to support and care for people around us unconditionally – irrespective of who they are, what they do or where they come from. I am part of Maatram to help transform lives of the deserving and talented who inturn have the potential to transform the society for good.

Raja Ganesh

IT/ITES sector

Being a strong believer of the phrase “One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.” , I always wanted to be part of a team that provides education to the less privileged .I’m fortunate enough to have been associated with Maatram as people from various portfolio share same opinion and work for a good cause. Trying my best to add value to this organization with my so little contribution.

Vanathi Balasubramaniam

Maatram foundation stands true to a social cause which is very personal and close to my heart. My deeply rooted passion stems from a strong desire to help provide education for underprivileged children. With the ardent support of the Maatram foundation family, I intend to contribute my part in bringing a positive change to empower today’s youth for a better and brighter future.

The Directors

Rajagopalan R

இயல்வது கரவேல் (Help to the best possible extent )..பீடு பெற நில் (live the path of honor )..வையத்தலைமை கொள் ( Be the ideal leader).. Follow these truthfully in my life…

Sindhu Sujith

I believe in the Power of Education and it can make a world of difference to the children who get access to it…

Anand Mohanram

I am a native of the southern city of Chennai and graduated from BITS, Pilani. I have been playing various leadership roles in the IT industry…

Vinu Viswanathan

Big changes in our society starts with small steps, being part of Maatram is my small step towards the BIG Dream of Change…

Vanathi Balasubramaniam

My deeply rooted passion stems from a strong desire to help provide education for underprivileged children…


Maatram to me symbolises the realization of change that I wanted to see. With likeminded friends from different walks…

Saravana Manikandan S

I have always got a strong feel that being human is to support and care for people around us unconditionally – irrespective of who they are, what they do or where they come from…

Raja Ganesh

Being a strong believer of the phrase “One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.” , I always wanted to be part of a team that provides education to the less privileged…

Venkatesan Dhakshinamurthy

Through Maatram, I hope to bring about this transformation in those who deserve it. I realized at one point in my life that contributing to society is where true happiness and self-satisfaction lie rather than relying solely on financial gain.

Sarath R

I believe in the phrase, “Quality education is a fundamental right of all being and poverty should never be on the way to it”. Maatram gives me a platform to exhibit this belief that makes my life purposeful.

Princely Samuel

Education is not preparation for life; Education is life itself. As rightly said by John Dewey, helping the students find such a purpose in their lives hooks me to Maatram.
Maatram to me, is a family.


A firm believer on how education can transform and change the generations of the family. Aligned with the Maatram Values & principles to be part of the journey of transformation.

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Who am I

The adage ‘Find your calling and follow your passion’ sounds very logical, but is extremely difficult to achieve in reality. I make every effort to adhere to this principe.
Born in a traditional family where a degree in Engineering and foreign travel were considered commonplace, I stood my ground to choose a career in Human Resources despite family and peer pressure. Through my own experience, I advocate the need for a student to find his true identity and follow his mind, while not succumbing to external pressures – a virtue that defines one’s personality.

What i do

I have over 20 years of experience in the field of Human Resources (HR). I have been with Infosys Ltd for the last 15+ years and is currently the HR Business Leader for the global sales team. I hold a Post Graduate degree in Social Work (Specializing in Personnel Management & Industrial Relations) from Loyola College, Chennai.
I love interacting with students and spend most of my weekends visiting colleges and speaking to the young minds. I’ve also been a regular speaker in business conclaves such as NAASCOM, NHRD, FICCI & CII.

Why Am I here

Maatram meaning Change, aims to bring the collective strength of likeminded individuals who aspire to be the change catalysts in the society. Here at Maatram, we believe, the impact one can create is not by virtue of the monetary contribution alone but rather by the sheer determination to bring a change in another deserving person’s life. Maatram was conceptualized in 2013 to bring a change in the lives of most worthy children who lack the access to higher education that they thoroughly deserve through the power of networking and social media. It’s a small group of like-minded people, most of them young working professionals but is united with a common goal of bringing about change. What started as a small foundation a few years back has more than 900 students currently pursuing higher education in some of the top universities/colleges in Tamil Nadu.

Who am I

 I am an independent, free willed individual passionate about making a difference to the world around me

What i do

I am a HR professional with 15 years of experience managing Employee Relations and Business Partner HR function for a technology company. At Maatram, i handle the Academics initiatives of the students and work with the Maatram Alumni students.

Why Am I here

Maatram has been a very emotional journey for me where we have been able to create a positive impact on many young minds through small actions. Its a reaffirmation of my belief that, right intent combined with persevered efforts and like minded people can create transformation. Maatram is a movement, Maatram is a family and Maatram is an extension of me. It gives me immense satisfaction to be associated with Maatram

What i do

When you do what you love to do for work, there can be nothing more heartening! Through my employer NASSCOM, I am on a mission to bridge the skill gap between students, institutions and employers. In my current capacity, I lead all the sector skill council initiatives for Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Prior to joining NASSCOM, I was the Zonal Head- Human Resources for HCL Infosystems where I was responsible for all aspects of recruitment, employee relations and engagement.
I hold a graduate degree in Human Resources from Magnus School of Business

Why Am I here

There cannot be a cause that is closer to my heart than what Maatram aims to address. Children especially from rural background have very limited exposure to today’s rigor and in all my travel visiting places and speaking to them led me to strongly believe, with the right education they can conquer their dreams in no time. And for this reason, through Maatram we strive to provide access to free education to meritorious students so they can create a future not just for them but for those around them as well!

Who am I

Professionally, together with some great minds, I manage a SaaS start-up, Paperflite, a sales enablement platform that connects marketing content with sales conversations. Prior to building Paperflite, I was the Head of Strategic Marketing Group at Cognizant’s Quality Engineering & Assurance, a world leading independent service provider.

What i do

I am a passionate marketer and a start-up enthusiast actively following disruptive propositions in the technology sector. With a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and a Graduate degree in International Business from University of South Carolina, US, I use every opportunity I get to interact with students and faculty to train them on the latest industry trends and prepare them for today’s rigor.

Why Am I here

Growing up in a modest family, the virtues of education was instilled in us early on for that alone could get us to achieve the dreams we had. Unfortunately, not many kids today have access to quality education despite their best efforts. As a strong proponent of education for all, through Maatram I aspire to bring a change in as many lives as we can by connecting by opening doors to opportunities that they truly deserve yet could not reach.
Today’s youth is not just tomorrow’s future but they are imminent for today’s success. Empowering them with the right skills will let them conquer heights, through Maatram we exactly mean to do that.

Who am I

I’m Aditya, a working professional with over 15 years of experience in IT/ITES sector.

What i do

I handle the Business Partner HR function of a biggest vertical in a leading IT corporate in Chennai.

Why Am I here

This gives me an opportunity to do something good which brings happiness to talented yet less fortunate people and gives them the strength and courage to pursue their dream. I am immensely happy to be a part of this change management group.

Who am I

Native of Thanjavur District, currently a resident of Chennai, a technologist working in the IT/ITES space for more than 18 years

What i do

Currently working as AVP with Standard Chartered GBS. Apart from social work, I’m Passionate about Music, Tamil Literature and Cinema.

Why Am I here

Every individual deep down has a social side – a responsibility he owes back to society, a guilt feel that he has not done much back to the people he is part of, the social system he is made of — some people are blessed doing it all their life with so ease, some people just could not do it due to circumstances, and some try doing their bit as much as they can… I fall in the last category. Carry a lot of dreams for a better society since boyhood days and I have been trying to give my part some way or the other, individually or as a part of a group…and in the process finally blessed to have got with Maatram. With Maatram, the vision is great, the dreams are real, the journey is exciting, and I have just started, Miles to go.

Who am I

Hi, I am Sindhu Sujith, a certified HR professional with specialized skills in Recruitment. After a long corporate stint, I took a break and a busy home maker. I am very passionate about fitness, running, yoga and practice it regularly

What i do

In Maatram, I manage the operations, background verification process and work with our Maatram Alumni students.

Why Am I here

I believe in the Power of Education and it can make a world of difference to the children who get access to it. I am here to help create this opportunity to as many deserving kids as possible especially to girl children. I have seen their lives change for the better and nothing comes close to the kind of satisfaction I get from this work. Extremely happy about my association with Maatram

Who am I

I am a native of the southern city of Chennai and graduated from BITS, Pilani. I have been playing various leadership roles in the IT industry and a seasoned leader with a passion for leveraging technology to transform business

What i do

I currently head the technology and operations of the India center for a leading U.S based company leading their transformation journey and prior to that had been with Infosys, leading their eCommerce Practice. Outside my professional career, I focus on education as a service and am a key member of multiple nonprofit groups like Maatram. I have a passion towards Mathematics and Numbers and maintain my own Blog

Why Am I here

I strongly believe that investment in proper education at an young age, brings in more self-confidence, better awareness & discipline for an individual and makes him/her a better human in the long run. As a learned scholar famously said “If you think education is expensive,try ignorance”! Focused investment in education and knowledge pays the best interest and someone with the right attitude and aptitude would continue to scale new high and take care of people around him/her
I am here as part of Maatram to do my bit to mentor and educate students from an young age and share my experience with them as part of this journey

Who am I

IT Professional with 20+ years of Experience in managing large scale transformation projects, passionate about giving back to society and firmly believe that Education can Empower and Enable the change we want to see.

What i do

I am Sr.Technology Manager and Delivery Lead of a Multi National Financial institution.

Why Am I here

I feel truly inspired by the grit and determination of the students to change the world. To see our students bloom into confident and socially conscious citizens is very satisfying . Am here because I firmly believe that the collective goodness of the Maatram core team, Volunteers and sstudents is helping and inspiring me to become a better version of myself.

Who am I

A firm believer that educating a child can radically change the lives of an entire family. And a child’s educational opportunity and quality should not be hindered because of their culture, belief, gender, background or socioeconomic class.

What i do

I started my career as a lecturer and after about 15 years in the corporate world working as SAP GTS consultant in various reputed IT companies, I quit my job and decided to follow my passion. My passion motivated me to start an NGO – “Thats My child” which primarily focuses on providing education to the less privileged school children. Now my time is involved in caring, loving and providing everything required to fulfil the needs of my two children at home and several thousands of children outside my home, firmly placed in the hearts of Thats my Child.

Why Am I here

Maatram foundation stands true to a social cause which is very personal and close to my heart. My deeply rooted passion stems from a strong desire to help provide education for underprivileged children. With the ardent support of the Maatram foundation family, I intend to contribute my part in bringing a positive change to empower today’s youth for a better and brighter future.

Who am I

secularist who believes change starts with us and from within.

What i do

Apart from keeping my three hyper active kids engaged, I am a real estate professional with over 16 years of experience. I am politically affiliated to the ideals of Indian National Congress and presently serve as the Treasurer for Tambaram Congress Committee.
I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from Loyola College, Chennai.

Why Am I here

Maatram to me symbolises the realization of change that I wanted to see. With likeminded friends from different walks of life, we aspire to lead the change by empowering today’s youth with education and training that they need to face today’s challenges. It is a natural extension of my social conscience to provide students with access to information that they currently lack

Who am I

Technologist in the IT Industry with more than 14 years of experience. A rookie photographer.

What i do

Working as a Senior Manager in a Multinational Financial Corporate in Chennai.

Why Am I here

Human being’ and ‘Being human’ or two completely different things. I have always got a strong feel that being human is to support and care for people around us unconditionally – irrespective of who they are, what they do or where they come from. I am part of Maatram to help transform lives of the deserving and talented who inturn have the potential to transform the society for good.

Who am I

I’m Raja Ganesh , a working professional with more than 10+ years of experience in IT/ITES sector

What i do

Leading a technology and functional team for an healthcare client at Perficient India Pvt Ltd.

Why Am I here

Being a strong believer of the phrase “One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.” , I always wanted to be part of a team that provides education to the less privileged .I’m fortunate enough to have been associated with Maatram as people from various portfolio share same opinion and work for a good cause. Trying my best to add value to this organization with my so little contribution.

Who am I

Worked in IT Industry for 14 years and now running my own IT infrastructure services firm since 2016

What i do

Co-founder of Veba Systems and BV Recyclers, as well as Real Estate Investor.

Why Am I here

Originating from a rural region After receiving my engineering degree, my sole weapon when I arrived in Chennai was education. I changed my life and became the person I am today by skillfully using that weapon. Through Maatram, I hope to bring about this transformation in those who deserve it. I realized at one point in my life that contributing to society is where true happiness and self-satisfaction lie rather than relying solely on financial gain.

Who am I

I am a doctoral research scholar at Structural Engineering division of IIT Madras and a proud Alumni of Maatram Foundation studied during 2014-2018 batch.

What i do

I currently do my research in the area of Bridges Structural Health Monitoring as a Prime Minister Research Fellow at IIT Madras. At Maatram, I handle alumni lead project – Karppom Karpippom.

Why Am I here

As a Maatram Alumni, I have strong belief in two things… Firstly, giving back to the society that shaped my life is my responsibility. I find contributing in Maatram activities is the best way I can achieve it. Secondly, I believe that Education is a fundamental right of all and poverty should never be on the way towards it… Maatram gives me a platform to exhibit this belief that makes my life purposeful…

Who am I

I am a passionate Trainer, who tries to bring a paradigm shift in the lives of people through my behavioural skills sessions.

What i do

I am the Director of Training & Placement at Loyola College. I also gladly take care of placements in Maatram.

Why Am I here

My parents have instilled in me to earn people more than money. Accordingly, Maatram has given me a cosy forum to interact with students, understand their necessities and cater for their communication and career-based upliftments.
Having come from a rural background myself, I could empathise with many students who are going through communication barriers that I went through in my education phase. Considering that, Maatram regards my techniques and suggestions to be nestled on the students to reap the promising outcome from them.
By sparing my time in doing these, I have acquired a sense of fulfilment and purpose in my life. That’s why Maatram is so special to me.

Who am I

I wanted to be useful and have identified my purpose to support initiatives on providing quality education and sustainable living. Personally love building frameworks to design systems to scale and integrate the systems as part of the change.  Support individuals to grow and scale towards their true potential.

What i do

Technologist and analyst for last 20+ years and love applying technology for social good initiatives. Currently leading a Fintech India unit focusing to solve the complex problems of the home borrowers.   
I do volunteer with various social organizations aligning to solve their challenges using technology, a champion of Tech4Good initiatives.

Why Am I here

I have been associated with Maatram Foundation from 2017 as a volunteer and believer of the Foundation’s Values & Principles. True motivation comes from the students who have travelled through the journey by their grit and perseverance. I wanted to focus on recalibrating the student mindset to grow towards their utmost potential in their professional journey. Love the Maatram Foundation initiatives which focus on creating a sustained community and lifelong support system for the students. I am excited to be part of this like-minded group which creates leaders to continue the legacy of giving back to community.